Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Kitchen Prayer

Kitchen Chase, Keeping Meals simple, Keeping you Satisfied

My dear departed aunt "Velma" had this hanging on a plaque in her kitchen and she'd had it for years. While I had a visit to the Fairmont in San Francisco and shook hands and actually had a conversation with Henry Kissenger that summer of 2003, I took some Stationary and on the way back to Phoenix, stopped in Morro Bay California costal town and visited Aunt Velma. She wrote the poem for me on that piece of The Fairmont San Francisco stationary... I share it now with you.

The Kitchen prayer...
God bless my little kitchen
I love it's every nook
And Bless me as I do my work
wash pots and pans and cook

And may the meals that I prepare
Be seasoned from above
with thy blessing and thy grace
But most of all thy Love

As we take of earthly foods
The table for us spread
Will not forget to thank thee Lord
Who gave us daily bread

So bless my little kitchen, God
And those who enter in
May they find naught
But joy and peace
And Happiness there'in

Author UnKnown

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