Monday, July 19, 2010

NEW Kitchen

Kitchen Chase, Keeping Meals simple, Keeping you Satisfied

HELLO World! It's a new life here for the Kitchen Chase! We moved 3 months ago back to our "Home Town" WOW, what a major adjustment after a 33 year absence! BUT the good news is, life has never been better! My old high school sweet heart found me on my Face Book page on December 30th 2009 and the rest is history!

So, here is what I know to be a fact! I was told many years ago that the way to a man's heart was through his stomach! I sort of figured they had lied to me all these years, but the truth is I love cooking and hearing my love say "Baby! This is awesome" ... Music to my ears. Everyone wants to be appreciated, and over my years of experience I can honestly tell you that the quality of a relationship can be judged and tested by the attention "HE" pays to you and your cooking! I mean here is an example for you... You call him up, 'Honey, supper will be ready in about 30 minutes, will you be on time?" and an answer of 'Oh yea, I'll be there' and low and behold he doesn't show! THIS is not a good sign ladies, trust me.

So with this all said, the NEW and improved Kitchen Chase will attempt to provide some fun new menus that are working well here at the Chase & Hays home. So stay tuned for some great NEW stuff!

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